Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Web design trends that designers follow in 2015

The more attractive a website, the more impact it has on customers. The website design trends are changing now and then. The designs that worked five years ago may not necessarily work today. With this in mind, here are few latest web design trends followed by designers to create an attractive website-
·         Flat design
Flat design came in late 2013 and is still in trend today. Flat designs are eye catching and provide great user experience. These offer great viewing experience on every screen.
·         Better fonts and other typography concepts
Google’s Web Fonts and Adobe’s Type kit web fonts have provided designers the freedom to incorporate better fonts and typography on web pages instead of just the usual font.
·         Rich content storytelling
Creating good visuals within content by inserting images and using media are a great method to engage customers.
·         Use of quality images
High quality images used in logo and web design attract people’s attention. Thus, use of high quality and beautiful images, communicates a brand’s message more effectively, which eventually attracts more customers.
·         Hand-drawn imagery and illustrations
Small illustrations were a popular web design trend last year. It has been replaced with larger hand-drawn imagery that comprise of strong fonts, pleasing colors, and large images. Using hand-drawn illustrations makes website stand out.
·         Cinema graphic wonders
Besides use of pure video or images, designers are now exploring something that is more engaging. This new concept is termed as Cinemagraphs. It is a new web designing trend that has taken website design and developmentindustry in NYC or elsewhere onto a new level.
Cinemagraphs is more interactive than storytelling. It is a new version of animated GIFs that provide a unique experience to users instead of just viewing video or images.
·         Background video
With fastening of broadband speed, background video usage on a webpage has become a trend. This has provided better user experience, as video are more effective in showing the company’s idea.
·         Think outside the box
Few years back, photo and block of text used to be confined in a box on web page. This trend has been changed now with speech bubbles or different formatting and shapes of boxes. Using this creative design has been successful in engaging customers.
·         Parallax effect
It is a great web design trend to enhance the user experience. In this effect, the moment when user starts scrolling down, the background moves slower than the foreground, creating a 3D effect.